Cleaning Products

As people spend a lot more time in their own home in quarantine (some, with roommates, sharing the same cramped space with individuals who have very different lifestyle habits), you might be taking an extra keen interest in cleaning and tidying these days, perhaps even as a coping mechanism. As a typically avoidant tidier myself—“dodge, duck, and weave” is my motto when it comes to any kind of cleaning—even I’ve found myself channeling my anxiety into days spent mopping my floors, vacuuming furniture, and scrubbing at the (kinda cute?) baby-pink ring of mold that seems to have permanently hardened onto my toilet bowl. The world might be in flux right now, but my house offers a gleaming refuge of order in all this Choice.

PRICE : 85

500 ML

PRICE : 95

500 ML

PRICE : 85

500 ML

PRICE : 99

1 Ltr

PRICE : 125

1 Ltr

PRICE : 180

1 Ltr

PRICE : 115

1 Ltr

PRICE : 99

1 Ltr

PRICE : 99

1 Ltr

PRICE : 85

500 ML